BDSM Blog Part 3. You pole yourself with a dildo!

BDSM Blog Part 3. You pole yourself with a dildo while I piss in your mouth.
English/Dutch translation at the bottom of the page.
For the first time in my life, I made a sex video for someone. Indeed, a squirt movie. For Boss. Who I have so far only spoken to via Messenger. And whom I have since been stringing along for six weeks because I am trying to lose a few more kilos before I meet him for the first time.
And then Boss is fed up. One Monday morning when I am just sitting at home working behind my P.C. he sends me a message.
"It's done waiting," reads the message on the screen of my phone.
I flinch. This sounds decided.
"You go and fill up your bath now. I will ring your doorbell and you will open naked. I am going to examine you, then you will take your bath with me and do as I say."
My heart beats in my throat. Opening naked. The words reverberate in my head. Naked... opening...
Over the past few weeks, I have worked really hard on myself resulting in almost seven kilos of weight loss by now and a slightly tighter body but it is nowhere near what it should be.
Besides, no one has seen me naked for the past 15 years anyway. I feel more vulnerable than ever, the threshold is huge.
"I feel vulnerable, Boss," I say in all honesty.
"You are not vulnerable with me," it suddenly sounds a little sweeter.
I believe him. Boss is my boss. Although I really want to feel safe with him, it all takes some getting used to.
"I'm going to drive now. See you soon."
No idea where he lives, only that it is about half an hour's drive for him.
Nerves are coursing down my throat. I am going to see him. And he me. After six weeks of daily contact, now it's really going to happen.
I walk to the shower and turn on the bath tap. Quite a few foam in it, nice. It helps that he doesn't want lingerie or other special clothing, now I have all the time I need to pay attention to my hair and make-up. Even though we will be bathing soon and little will be left of it, I want to look my best for him when I open the door for him later.
Whorish, is all I think. He wants me hoarse. Red lipstick, black rimmed smokey eyes, quite a bit of mascara and a touch of rouge. A few drops of sultry perfume behind the ears and between the breasts finishes it off. And then it's waiting for what's to come.
When the bathtub is full and the whole bathroom smells deliciously of the fresh bath foam, the bell rings. My heart skips a beat. Be cool, I moon myself. Be cool!
Before letting him in, I peek through the peephole in the door. There he stands. My Boss. Even more handsome than in the picture. And how big he is. And wide!
Stark naked, I open the door for him.
Boss raises his eyebrows approvingly, forces his way straight in and closes the door behind him.
We say nothing, just look at each other. Suddenly, he grabs me by my chest with one hand and starts tonguing me fiercely. With his other hand, he kneads my buttocks. Willingly, I kiss him back. Fiercely, deeply, passionately.
Then I feel down below his intrusive fingers purposefully entering. One finger, two, three...
"Hmmmmm.... Nice wet pussy."
Promptly, he stops kissing. He grabs me by my long hair, pulls away from me and looks at me from head to toe with a critical eye.
"I want to lose some more weight Boss..."
"Shhh. You are beautiful. Nice and soft and round."
Relief. Boss likes me!
"You're beautiful too... "I stammer. "Tough...strong."
Boss smiles.
"Let me see your bath."
Lovingly, I grab him by the hand and lead him to the bathroom at the end of the hall. My bathtub is huge. Big and deep, a double bathtub.
Boss nods approvingly. "Perfect."
Like a true servant, I slowly undress him. Once more I kiss his lips, give him my tongue, gently bite his neck and submissively kneel down in front of him to carefully make the acquaintance of his cock, which is already deliciously cheeky and erect. Big, thick and freshly shaved, truly a magnificent cock.
In preparation, I spit his glans wet, gently move his foreskin over it and lick and suck his balls. Boss moans with pleasure. When I take his whole apparatus in my mouth and work his little penis inside with my tongue while sucking, he grabs me by my hair again and pulls back.
"I'm almost coming already. You are a tasty suck slut, say."
Gratefully, I look up at him. His compliment makes me happy.
When he sits in the bath and orders me to join him, I have calmed down quite a bit. Although I am still excited, I am no longer nervous. I love having him there and feel safe with him. Familiar from the first minute.
Hot strings
What strikes me immediately is that Boss does not like to talk during sex. He does, however, constantly look at me piercingly, something that makes me quite shy. Boss has steel-blue eyes that seem to look right through me. Sometimes I look back, but I don't last long. Too intense.
When we sit facing each other in the fragrant foam, he slowly bends towards me and grabs me underwater by my buttocks, which he starts to gently knead. As he gently strokes my pooch with his finger, he looks at me uninterruptedly, as if gauging my reaction. And then I suddenly understand why.
Suddenly, I feel something pressing against my starlet and I feel his thumb flop in all at once. Shyly I look at him. No one has ever done this to me before. Although I feel slightly embarrassed, I let him do what he wants to do. Boss visibly enjoys his power over me and the fact that I let him have his way completely.
As I feel him moving deeper and deeper inside me and I am afraid that unsavoury things will be released, I affectionately take his face between my hands and promise him that the next time he wants to go in my ass, I will cleanly take my poo beforehand will flush for him.
Boss nods approvingly.
"Good. Then you'll be nice and clean.
I suspect he notices that I am uncomfortable because at that moment he pulls back his thumb and stands in front of me. Just when I think he wants me to blow him, he turns around and roughly pushes his ass on my mouth.
With my hands, I push his lovely firm buttocks apart and gently run my tongue around his anus. His hole really tastes like more and it is not long before I lick it with big strokes and finally try to wriggle the tip of my tongue inside to taste him there as well.
When Boss suddenly turns around again to forcefully thrust his big hard cock into my mouth, he does it so roughly and far that for a moment I see stars and have to gag. Just when I think I can't handle him I recover and relax. If Boss wants to fuck me in my mouth, he will. I don't want to be a whining slut, I want my King to use me in every way possible.
Apparently he is hugely aroused because it is not long before he takes his huge cock in his hand and shakes out a huge load of seed right in front of my face. With eyes closed and mouth open, I hear him growl deeply - almost animal-like - and feel his warm strands and splashes land all over me. On my cheeks on my chin, on my outstretched tongue and even in my hair. With his thumb, he wipes away a thick blob that had almost landed in my eye.
"So - I was ready for that!"
Pissing like a bear
Just when I am hoping he will come and sit with me in the bath so I can worship him at length for a while longer, he gives me a gruff command.
"Drain the bath."
Obediently, I unscrew the plug and submissively stay where I am.
"Look at me."
I do what he says.
With his cock (which has now returned to rest) loosely in his hand, he stands wide-legged in front of me.
A swarm of butterflies flutters through my stomach.
"Do you have to pee, Boss?" I ask quasi naively.
"Piss like a bear. Lie down, horny whore. From now on, you're my slut!"
Of course I do as he tells me. In the empty bathtub, I quietly lower myself until I am under him and he is deliciously macho above me.
And then he lets his golden shower go all the way. Thick golden jets clatter down on my face, my breasts, my belly, my pussy and on my tongue which I eagerly stick out for him. Salty. Delicious.
Boss groans with relief and delight.
When I stand up slightly after my golden shower and look up at him in love, he bends towards me to kiss me. After another of those divine tongue kisses, he looks at me up close and I can clearly see him collecting some spit between his lips. Again, he seems to gauge my reaction.
Naturally, I open my mouth and he releases a long thread of saliva from his own mouth into mine from above. While still looking straight into my eyes, I swallow his spit and admiringly call him 'Beast'.
Boss smiles. I ordered him.
When he gets out of the bath and into the shower, he wants me to stay in the bath.
"You stay there until I say you can take a shower. When I leave later, I want all my bodily fluids to stay on you. My seed, my piss and my spit. I want you to marinate in it."
I nod obediently.
"How do I know when I can get out, Boss? My phone is in the living room."
"I facetime you. You pick up and show me your smeared body. After that, you get to wash up."
I nod meekly.
Finally, I just ask him why he just spit in my mouth. Never before have I experienced such a thing.
"Just to clearly establish our ranking," is his short answer.
I understand.
"I experienced it as a reward, Boss."
"It was. You are a good slut."
When he turns off the shower tap, dries himself and then I hear him walking naked through my flat and rummaging in the kitchen, I am proud. He behaves as if he is at home. As he should be. King of my castle.
In the kitchen, I hear the cupboards opening and closing and the tap running. He is drinking water. Then his footsteps come closer again and I hear him grab his clothes that were still in the hall. He goes to the living room with them and gets dressed there.
He gives me a good sense of who is in charge here. Without saying goodbye to me, he opens the front door and leaves. Pulling the door shut behind him with a spiteful jerk.
For a moment, I feel sad. He has used me from head to toe and there is no 'hello' or kiss to go with it. On the other hand, he has rewarded me with his spit, the most intimate thing anyone has ever done to me. Boss has shared his spit with his slave, which means a lot to me.
Dried urine
My skin smells of Boss's dried urine and his seed is starting to dry on my cheeks. Not that I feel dirty, because it's his, but I do get cold. It is only after half an hour that the phone rings. I run to the living room to answer it and film myself in front of him.
"Good. You may freshen up."
After showering and washing my hair, I immediately send him a message to thank him for this special, horny experience. I also tell him that I had a great time with him and already long for the next time I get to see him again.
'Well done,' is the scary thing he says.
Since I would really like some more attention from him, I send him another message letting him know that he is the first to make my pee sex fantasy come true and that I hope he wants to piss all over me more often.
"Next time we'll do it differently. You pole yourself with a dildo while I piss in your mouth. You're going to drink me!"
His tone is harsh and cold.
Pissing in my mouth. Although it sounds exciting, this is not what I meant. My fantasy was always warm urine on my body. Warm piss from someone physically and mentally far above me. Feeling it, smelling it. Although the trickle that fell on my tongue didn't taste wrong, I'm still a little afraid to swallow whole gulps and actually swallow.
"Good Boss..." is all I get out at that moment.
I do not hear from him for the rest of the day and for the next two days as well.
He is obviously playing with me and although I am aware of it, it affects me. I want to please him, to please him, to adore and adore him. But he ignores me.
Until he suddenly messages me again on day three.
"Bye yummy slut of mine. Did you wake up horny this morning?"
"You know that very well, Boss. I'm horny for you every day."
"Did you think about me while masturbating?"
"Definitely Boss."
"What did I do?"
"I thought you wanted to fuck me, but once your cock was inside me you did nothing. You just looked at me until suddenly I felt my pussy fill up. You were using your slut as a urinal."
"Hmmmmmm. Nice horny piss whore you are."
"Did you think about me too, Boss?"
"Sure. I have a new fantasy."
"What would you like to do with me?"
Next time: I'm going to stretch you!